1、安装Docker和Docker Compose
Homestead依赖于Docker来创建和管理虚拟容器,您需要在您的计算机上安装Docker和Docker Compose,以下是在不同操作系统上安装Docker和Docker Compose的方法:
- 在Ubuntu或Debian系统上,可以使用以下命令安装Docker和Docker Compose:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
- 在macOS系统上,可以使用Homebrew安装Docker和Docker Compose:
brew install docker docker-compose
docker run -d --name homestead --restart always -p 8080:8080 -p 4000:3000 --volumes-from=homestead:/homestead --volumes-from=mysql:/mysql --volumes-from=phpfpm:/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d php:7.4-apache2.4 Homestead
ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/index.php ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/info.php?a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4&e=5&f=6&g=7&h=8&i=9&j=10&k=11&l=12&m=13&n=14&o=15&p=16&q=17&r=18&s=19&t=20&u=21&v=22&w=23&x=24&y=25&z=26
Homestead默认支持PHP 7.4和PHP FPM,您可以通过编辑/homestead/provisioning/scripts/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash export PHP_VERSION="7.3" # or "7.4" for production use. See for more info on this version."
python3 -m venv myproject/venv && source myproject/venv/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade pip && pip install composer && composer install && deactivate && cd myproject && php artisan key:generate && php artisan migrate --seed && php artisan up && php artisan down && php artisan schedule:run >> logfile.txt & nohup php artisan serve & tail -f nohup.out & exit; # Run the project in the background and tail the output to view any errors. You can stop it withCTRL+C
."# This will create a new virtual environment and set up the project dependencies. Then you can start the project by runningphp artisan serve
."# To stop the project, simply runphp artisan down
."# To see any scheduled tasks that have been added to the application's scheduler, runphp artisan schedule:list
."# To add a new task to the scheduler, runphp artisan schedule:add <task> <expression>
."# For example, to add a daily task that sends an email every day at midnight, runphp artisan schedule:add send_email "cron('0 * * * *')"
."# To remove a task from the scheduler, runphp artisan schedule:remove <task>
."# To list all of your scheduled tasks, runphp artisan schedule:list
."# To run a scheduled task now, runphp artisan schedule:run
."# To clear all of your scheduled tasks, runphp artisan schedule:clear
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a JSON format, runphp artisan schedule:show
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a YAML format, runphp artisan schedule:show --yaml
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a CSV format, runphp artisan schedule:show --csv
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a SQL format, runphp artisan schedule:show --sql
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in an XML format, runphp artisan schedule:show --xml
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in an HTML format, runphp artisan schedule:show --html
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a plain text format, runphp artisan schedule:show --plaintext
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a JSONP format, runphp artisan schedule:show --jsonp
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a raw format, runphp artisan schedule:show --raw
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a custom format, runphp artisan schedule:show --custom='<CustomFormat>'
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a custom format with placeholders replaced with their values, runphp artisan schedule:show --custom='<CustomFormat>' --values='<ValueMap>'
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a custom format with placeholders replaced with their values and timestamps added to each line, runphp artisan schedule:show --custom='<CustomFormat>' --timestamps='<TimestampsMode>'
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a custom format with placeholders replaced with their values and timestamps added to each line and formatted according to the specified timezone, runphp artisan schedule:show --custom='<CustomFormat>' --timestamps='<TimestampsMode>' --timezone='<Timezone>'
."# To see the list of all of your scheduled tasks in a custom format with placeholders replaced with their values and timestamps added to each line and formatted according to the specified locale, run `php artisan schedule:show --custom='<CustomFormat>' --timestamps='<TimestampsMode>' --locale='<Locale>'' # Replace '<TaskName>' with the name of the task you want to remove." # Replace '<TaskExpression>' with the expression that defines when the task should be executed. # Replace '<TaskType>' with one of 'simple' (default), 'cron' or 'event' # Replace '<TaskArguments>' with any arguments you want to pass to the task # Replace '<TaskDescription>' with a description for the task # Replace '<TaskSchedule>' with one of 'none' (default), 'every' or 'cron' # Replace '<TaskRunInForeground>' with true or false # Replace '<TaskOnOneServerOnly>' with true or false # Replace '<TaskStopWhenComplete>'