Ansible自动化运维是一种自动化工具,可以帮助您简化日常的运维任务。它使用YAML语言编写playbooks,这是一种易于阅读和理解的标记语言。Ansible的核心是其模块系统,每个剧本通常由多个模块组成,例如file模块管理文件和目录,apt模块处理包安装等,这使得代码可复用且易于维护。Ansible角色是一种组织最佳实践的方法,将相关任务和变量打包在一起。Ansible可以动态地获取主机信息,这使得大规模系统的管理变得更加容易 。
1、1 Ansible简介
1、2 Ansible架构
- Ansible Core:负责核心功能,如消息传递、执行器管理等;
- Ansible Modules:提供了丰富的内置模块,用于完成各种任务;
- Ansible Playbooks:用于定义任务流和执行策略;
- Ansible Host Inventory:存储和管理目标主机的信息;
- Ansible Cluster:实现了跨多台主机的任务分发和负载均衡。
2、1 安装Ansible
2、2 配置Ansible
3、1 编写简单的Ansible模块
- name: 更新Nginx配置文件 ansible.builtin.copy: src: /path/to/nginx.conf.template dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
3、2 常用模块介绍
- command:执行命令行命令;
- copy:复制文件或目录;
- file:修改文件属性;
- service:管理系统服务;
- template:模板引擎,用于动态生成配置文件等;
- wait_for:等待条件满足后再执行后续任务;
- include_role:包含其他角色的任务;
- import_role:导入其他角色的任务。
4、1 编写一个简单的Playbook
- hosts: webservers tasks: - name: 安装Nginx apt: name=nginx state=latest update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 check_update=yes upgrade=yes install_type=both package=nginx repo=deb stable_version=latest notify=always force=yes delay=00 min_install_attempts=5 retries=5 ignore_errors=yes become=root become_user=root become_method=sudo groups=www-data user=nginx group=www-data mode=0755 umask=0000 nopasswd execute=/usr/local/bin/ansible/playbook --extra-vars "domain={{ inventory_hostname }}" site.yml > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 5 | grep 'done' | awk '{print $4}' | xargs kill -9 && sleep 5 && echo "Nginx deployment completed on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit 0 || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to deploy Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit 100 || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Waiting for Nginx to start on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && tail -f /tmp/output.txt & wait $! || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to start Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit 100 || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Waiting for Nginx to be reachable on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && curl --fail http://localhost || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to reach Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit 100 || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Waiting for Nginx to return HTTP status code of 200 on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && curl --fail --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --output /dev/null http://localhost || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to get HTTP status code of 200 on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit 100 || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Nginx deployment and initialization completed on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit $? || sleep 5 && echo "Error occurred during Nginx deployment and initialization on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit $? || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Starting output monitoring for Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && tail -f /tmp/output.txt & wait $! || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to monitor output of Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && exit $? || true # make sure the playbook runs even if the sleep is interrupted by a signal (like when you press Control+C) sleep 5 && echo "Stopping output monitoring for Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname }}" >> /tmp/output.txt && kill $! || sleep 5 && echo "Failed to stop output monitoring of Nginx on {{ inventory_hostname