PHPUnit是一个面向PHP程序员的测试框架,这是一个xUnit的体系结构的单元测试框架。它支持测试驱动开发(TDD)和行为驱动开发(BDD)方法,提供完整的API进行自动化测试。 ,,如果您想学习PHPUnit的详解与实践,可以参考CSDN博客中的《PHPUnit中文手册》 或者PHP官方文档中关于PHPUnit的章节。
1、单元测试(Unit Testing)
2、集成测试(Integration Testing)
3、系统测试(System Testing)
composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit
<?php use PHPUnitFramework\TestCase; use CalculatorCalculator; class CalculatorTest extends TestCase { public function testAdd() { $calculator = new Calculator(); $result = $calculator->add(1, 2); $this->assertEquals(3, $result); } }
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/CalculatorTest.php
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/CalculatorTest.php --report tests/report.html
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Product\Product; use Product\ProductService; use Product\ProductRepository; use Product\ProductFactory; use Product\ProductManager; use Product\ProductAttribute; use ProductProductValueObject; use ProductProductException; use Product\ProductMapper; use Product\ProductConverter; use Product\ProductValidator; use Product\ProductDataMapper; use Product\ProductDataConverter; // @todo remove this line after updating the service to use the data repository instead of the data mapper and converter classes directly. This is just for demonstration purposes. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead of these classes directly. The purpose of this import is to make the example more complete and self-contained. However, it is not necessary for the code to run correctly. It should be removed when updating the service to use the data repository instead于2019年7月25日更新。