中介者模式(Mediator Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,它定义了一种一对多的依赖关系,让多个对象都有机会决定这些对象的事务,中介者负责协调调用者和被调用者之间的关系,当一个对象需要通知其他对象时,它会自动通知中介者,然后由中介者将通知转发给其他对象,中介者本身也是一个对象,它可以拥有自己的一些子对象。
public interface Mediator { void addUser(User user); void removeUser(User user); void notifyAllUsers(); }
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class FileManager implements Mediator { private List<User> users; private List<String> files; public FileManager() { users = new ArrayList<>(); files = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public void addUser(User user) { users.add(user); } @Override public void removeUser(User user) { users.remove(user); } @Override public void notifyAllUsers() { for (User user : users) { user.updateFiles(files); } } }
public class User { private String name; private FileManager fileManager; public User(String name) { this.name = name; this.fileManager = new FileManager(); } public void updateFiles(List<String> files) { System.out.println(name + " received updated files:"); for (String file : files) { System.out.println("- " + file); } } }
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; // For async tasks like downloading large files in chunks in the background while GUI remains responsive to other events (like user input). This is optional and not strictly necessary for the example but it demonstrates how you can use a thread pool for better performance and responsiveness in a real-world application)."+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"";+"": "Please enter the path to the directory you want to upload or download from/to: "; // prompt the user for the directory path where they want to upload/download files from/to (e.g. C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents) "; // read the user's input and store it in the specified variable "; // create a File object representing the directory path entered by the user "; // create a FileSystems object to interact with the file system "; // get an iterator over all entries in the directory (including directories and regular files) "; // filter out only regular files (not directories) "; // convert the iterator into a list of File objects "; // create a FileManager object to act as the mediator between the FileSystems object and the User interface "; // register the User interface with the FileManager object so that it can receive updates when files are added or modified "; // start a separate thread to monitor changes in the directory for up to one minute (or until the user interrupts the monitoring process) "; // wait for the monitoring thread to finish before exiting the main method "; // catch any exceptions that may occur during the execution of the main method "; // finally block to release any resources that were acquired during the execution of the main method "; try { \t// Read all files from the directory and upload them to the server asynchronously in chunks of size 'chunkSize' (you can adjust this value as needed) \tExecutorService execSvc = null; \ttry { \t\texecSvc = ... \t\tPath dirPath = Paths[\"C:\\\\Users\\\\Public\\\\Documents\"] \t\tList<Path> filePaths = getFilesFromDirectoryAsync(dirPath); \t\x1b[30mfor (Path filePath: filePaths) { t\x1b[32mexecSvc \t} \t} \tcatch (Exception ex) { t\x1b[31mSystem.err \t\x1b[30mprintln(\\\"An error occurred while reading files from directory: \\\"); \t\x1b[30mex t} \tfinally { \t\x1b[30mif (execSvc != null && execSvc!= ThreadPoolExecutors::newFixedThreadPool) { \t\x1b[30mexecSvc \t} t} } catch (Exception e) { System