from dusk import * def test_page(): visit('https://www.example.com') assert 'Example Domain' in title()
from dusk import * def test_login(): visit('https://www.example.com/login') fill('#username', 'testuser') fill('#password', 'testpassword') click('#submit')
from dusk import * @task(browser='chrome') @task(platform='Windows') def test_browser_and_platform(): visit('https://www.example.com') assert 'Example Domain' in title()
from dusk import * from dusk.plugin import BrowserPlugin, PlatformPlugin, TaskPlugin, ContextPlugin, ResultPlugin, PageObjectPlugin, ElementPlugin, ActionPlugin, ConditionPlugin, WaitPlugin, ExceptionPlugin, LogPlugin, CollectorPlugin import time as _time import random as _random from datetime import datetime as _datetime from pyppeteer import launch as _launch_browsers from pyppeteer.errors import PyppeteerError as _PyppeteerError from pyppeteer.utils import get_options as _get_options from pyppeteer.network_controller import NetworkController as _NetworkController from pyppeteer.page import Page as _Page from pyppeteer.input_device import InputDevice as _InputDevice from pyppeteer.output_device import OutputDevice as _OutputDevice from pyppeteer.cursor import Cursor as _Cursor from pyppeteer.mouse import Mouse as _Mouse from pyppeteer.keyboard import Keyboard as _Keyboard from pyppeteer.display import Display as _Display from pyppeteer.context import Context as _ContextManager from pyppeteer.marionette import MarionetteClient as _MarionetteClientFactory from pyppeteer.chromium import ChromiumClient as _ChromiumClientFactory from pyppeteer.firefox import FirefoxClient as _FirefoxClientFactory from pyppeteer.webkit import WebkitClient as _WebkitClientFactory from pyppeteer.opera import OperaClient as _OperaClientFactory from pyppeteer.safari import SafariClient as _SafariClientFactory from pyppeteer.edge import EdgeClient as _EdgeClientFactory from pyppeteer.playwright import PlaywrightClient as _PlaywrightClientFactory from pyppeteer.pytest_pyppeteer import config as _pytest_config # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" from "pyppeteer" import config as _pytest_config # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0.7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0.6.0). It will be removed after the release of v0.6.0 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v0-6). It will be removed after the release of v0-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in v0-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before v-6). It will be removed after the release of v-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in v-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6). It will be removed after the release of b-6 and can be replaced withimport config
in b-7+" # noqa: E402 isort:skip-line for flake8 compatibility with old codebase (before b-6