composer self-update
composer init
{ "name": "myapp", "description": "A simple PHP app", "require": { "laravel/framework": "^5.8.32", "doctrine/orm": "^2.9.1" }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true, "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "./vendor/bin" } ] }
composer install
<?php use Doctrine\ORMEntityManager; use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $entityManager = EntityManager::create([ 'mappings' => [ realpath(__DIR__).'/../src/Models' => 'App\\Models', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'App\\Entities\\User', // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'App\\Repositories\\UserRepository' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\Driver\\YamlDriver' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\\ClassMetadataInfo' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\Proxy\\AbstractLazyLoadingObjectCollection' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\Proxy\\ProxyFactory' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\Common\Persistence\\EventManager' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaConfiguration' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\\Platforms\\MySqlPlatform' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\ORM\\Tools\\Setup' // <-- this is the mapping configuration for your entities and repositories (e.g. use the path to the file on disk)' => 'Doctrine\\Common\\Annotations\\AnnotationReader' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\ArrayCache' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\\Common\Cache\\FilesystemCache' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\Psr6CacheAdapter' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\RedisCache' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\Common\\DataFixtures\\ContainerAwareFixtureLoader' // <-- this is=0=> 'Doctrine\Common\\DataFixtures\\ExecutorFactory' // <-- this is=0=> 'DoctrineModule\\', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this is=0=> '', // <-- this a==0> '', // <-- these are some of the possible values that can be used in a typehint or classhint in PHPDoc -->],];// This tells doctrine where to find our entity classes in case we need them later on in our codebase// We could also specify multiple paths here if needed// If you don’t provide any paths at all then Doctrine will assume that all classes inside namespace App are part of our application// And that all other classes are part of third party libraries that should be included with our application// So if you have a library like “symfony/http-kernel” inside vendor/ folder then it will be automatically loaded by doctrine when you run composer install// You can also define custom types if you want to support certain datatypes in doctrine that aren’t available out of the box such as “json_array” or “json_object” etc.// See for more information about how to define custom types using Type::hasType() method// Once you have defined all of your entity classes and mapped them correctly you can start using doctrine to interact with your database// You can create new instances of your entity classes via EntityManager::getRepository() method// And perform CRUD operations against them such as save(), delete(), update() etc// You can also define relationships between different entities using annotations such as @ManyToOne or @OneToOne etc// See for more information about defining relationships between different entities// Finally you can also define custom repository classes that extend from \Doctrine\MongoDB\Repositories\MongoRepository or \Doctrine\MongoDB\Repositories\DocumentRepository depending on what you want to do with MongoDB// See for more information about defining custom repository classes// Overall Doctrine provides a very powerful set of tools for managing databases in PHP applications// It supports multiple databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite etc// It also provides a wide range of features such