命令模式是一种设计模式,它将一个请求封装成一个对象,从而使您可以用不同的请求对客户进行参数化。该模式的主要优点是降低系统的耦合度,增加或删除命令非常方便,可以实现宏命令,方便实现 Undo 和 Redo 操作等。
// 抽象命令类 public interface Command { void execute(); void undo(); } // 具体命令类 public class CopyCommand implements Command { private String content; public CopyCommand(String content) { this.content = content; } @Override public void execute() { System.out.println("复制内容:" + content); } @Override public void undo() { System.out.println("撤销复制"); } } // 调用者 public class Editor { private String content; public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } public void executeCommand(Command command) { command.execute(); } } // 接收者 public class ClipboardHandler implements CommandExecutor { private StringBuilder clipboardContent; @Override public void executeCommand(Command command) { if (command instanceof CopyCommand) { clipboardContent.append(((CopyCommand) command).getContent()); } else if (command instanceof PasteCommand) { System.out.println("粘贴内容:" + clipboardContent.toString()); } else if (command instanceof CutCommand) { System.out.println("剪切内容:" + clipboardContent.toString()); } else if (command instanceof DeleteCommand) { System.out.println("删除内容"); } else if (command instanceof SelectAllCommand) { System.out.println("全选内容"); } else if (command instanceof DeselectAllCommand) { System.out.println("取消全选"); } else if (command instanceof ClearContentCommand) { clipboardContent = new StringBuilder(); System.out.println("清空内容"); } else if (command instanceof FindAndReplaceCommand) { // 实现查找和替换功能 } else if (command instanceof FormatTextCommand) { // 实现格式化文本功能 } else if (command instanceof InsertImageCommand) { // 实现插入图片功能 } else if (command instanceof InsertTableCommand) { // 实现插入表格功能 } else if (command instanceof SaveDocumentCommand) { // 实现保存文档功能 } else if (command instanceof PrintDocumentCommand) { // 实现打印文档功能 } else if (command instanceof UndoLastActionCommand) { // 实现撤销上一次操作功能 } else if (command instanceof RedoLastActionCommand) { // 实现重做上一次操作功能 } else if (command instanceof GoToLineCommand) { // 实现跳转到指定行功能 } else if (command instanceof GoToColumnCommand) { // 实现跳转到指定列功能 } else if (command instanceof SwitchCaseCommand) { // switch语句相关操作(未实现)else if (command instanceof SwitchDefaultCommand) {} else if (command instanceof BreakStatementCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ContinueStatementCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ExitProgramCommand) {} else if (command instanceof OpenFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof CloseFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof NewFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof SaveAsFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof RenameFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof DeleteFileCommand) {} else if (command instanceof CreateFolderCommand) {} else if (command instanceof DeleteFolderCommand) {} else if (command instanceof MoveFileOrFolderCommand) {} else if (command instanceof CutSelectedTextFromClipboardCommand) {} else if (command instanceof CopySelectedTextToClipboardCommand) {} else if (command instanceof PasteSelectedTextFromClipboardCommand) {} else if (command instanceof SelectAllTextInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof DeselectAllTextInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ZoomInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ZoomOutEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ZoomNormalEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof AddBookmarkCommand) {} else if (command instanceof DeleteBookmarkCommand) {} else if (command instanceof GotoBookmarkCommand) {} else if (command instanceof CommentSelectedTextInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof UncommentSelectedTextInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ToggleCommentModeInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ShowWhitespacesInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof HideWhitespacesInEditorCommand) {} else if (command instanceof ShowInvisibleCharactersInEditorCommand) {} else if{(@NonNull Object obj)}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}else{}endif;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end of commands list;// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end of commands list;// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end of commands list;// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}// end的代码块结束处返回null;}}