Ansible是一种自动化运维工具,可以帮助用户快速部署、配置和升级系统。它基于Python开发,集合了众多运维工具(puppet、cfengine、chef、func、fabric)的优点,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能。Ansible架构相对比较简单,仅需通过SSH连接客户机执行任务即可。 ,,如果您想学习Ansible自动化运维,我建议您可以从以下几个方面入手:,- 了解Ansible的基础知识和安装方法;,- 学习Ansible的Playbook编写技巧;,- 掌握Ansible的模块化思想;,- 学习Ansible的实战应用。
Ansible 是一个开源的 IT 自动化工具,用于配置管理、应用部署、任务执行和多节点协调,通过使用 Ansible,您可以轻松地在远程服务器上执行各种任务,如安装软件、更新配置文件、备份数据等,本文将为您提供一个全面的 Ansible 自动化运维指南,从入门到精通。
Ansible 是一个基于 Python 的模块化自动化工具,它使用 YAML 语言来编写配置文件,Ansible 通过 SSH 协议连接到远程主机,并在其上执行命令或脚本。
- 简单易用:Ansible 的配置文件非常简洁,易于阅读和编写。
- 跨平台:Ansible 支持多种操作系统,如 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。
- 社区活跃:Ansible 拥有庞大的社区支持,有丰富的插件和扩展可供选择。
- 可扩展性:Ansible 可以通过自定义模块和插件来实现高度可扩展的功能。
在 Ubuntu 系统上安装 Ansible
sudo apt-get update
2、安装 Ansible:
sudo apt-get install ansible
3、验证 Ansible 是否安装成功:
ansible --version
在 Windows 系统上安装 Ansible
1、下载 Ansible Windows 版本:
文件以启动 Ansible。
4、验证 Ansible 是否安装成功:
ansible --version
playbook 是 Ansible 的核心组件,用于定义一系列任务,一个简单的 playbook 可以这样写:
- name: Install Nginx on Ubuntu servers hosts: web_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Install Nginx package yum: name=nginx state=present ensure=present - name: Start Nginx service service: name=nginx state=started enabled=yes
shell 模块用于在远程主机上执行 shell 命令,要在远程主机上创建一个名为testfile
的文件,可以使用以下 playbook:
- name: Create testfile on remote host using shell module hosts: all tasks: - name: Create testfile in /tmp directory on remote host using shell module and delegate to create task with file path parameter to specify the content of the file to be created on the remote host. The file is then persisted on the remote host even if the playbook exits with an error. This is useful when creating configuration files that must be present at all times. The delegate_to option specifies that the task should be executed on a separate managed node (not necessarily a remote one). If this option is not specified, the task will be executed on the same machine where the playbook was run. The other option for specifying a target machine is by using the "hosts" keyword followed by a list of target machines. For example, "hosts = web_servers" would specify that the task should be executed on all machines listed in the "web_servers" group defined in the inventory file. In this case, it would also include any machines added to or removed from the group after the playbook was run. The "become" option indicates that the task should use sudo privileges to execute commands on the remote hosts. The "gather_facts" option indicates that facts about the remote hosts should be gathered before executing the task. The "remote_src" option specifies that the contents of a local file should be copied to the remote host before executing the task. The "timeout" option specifies how long (in seconds) to wait for a command to complete before timing out and failing the task. The "retries" option specifies how many times to try running a command before failing and moving on to the next task in the playbook. The "notify" option specifies that a message should be sent to another user whenever a task completes successfully or fails. The "notify_no_change" option specifies that a message should be sent to another user whenever a task completes successfully but there were no changes made to the target system as a result of that task. The "retry_files_enabled" option indicates whether or not failed tasks should attempt to re-execute failed tasks that depend on them. The "retry_files_save_path" option specifies where failed attempts are saved so they can be re-executed later. The "retry_files_remote_tmp" option specifies where failed attempts are saved remotely so they can be re-executed later. The "retry_files_remote_name" option specifies what filename should be used for failed attempts when saving them remotely. The "retry_files_remote_dir" option specifies where failed attempts should be saved remotely. The "retry_files_remote_user" option specifies which user should have write permission to save failed attempts remotely. The "retry_files_remote_group" option specifies which group should have write permission to save failed attempts remotely. The "retry_files_remote_mode" option specifies the permissions that should be used when saving failed attempts remotely. The "tags" option allows you to group tasks together so they can be executed as a single unit when needed. The "skip_tags" option allows you to skip tasks that match one or more tags specified in the playbook. The "when" option allows you to specify conditions under which a task should be executed or skipped based on certain criteria such as whether or not certain files exist or whether or not certain services are running. The "unless" option allows you to specify conditions under which a task should not be executed based on certain criteria such as whether or not certain files exist or whether or not certain services are running. The "ifchanged" option allows you to specify conditions under which a task should only be executed if its output differs from the output of a previous execution of the same task. The "command" option allows you to specify a command that will be executed on the remote host instead of running one of the built-in modules such as yum or service. The "command_timeout" option specifies how long (in seconds) to wait for a command to complete before timing out and failing the task. The "command_prompt" option specifies how long (in seconds) to wait for a command prompt before timing out and failing the task. The "command_environment" option specifies environment variables to set for the command being executed on the remote host. The "command_delimiter" option specifies what delimiter should be used between arguments for the command being executed on the remote host. The "command_stdout_callback" option specifies a callback function that will be called with the output of each command being executed on the remote host. The "command_stderr_callback" option specifies a callback function that will be called with the standard error output of each command being executed on the remote host。 The "command_returncode_callback" option specifies a callback function that will be called with the return code of each command being executed on the remote host. The "command_all_returncodes" option indicates that all return codes should be returned by the command rather than just those that are successful (0). The "command_runas" option indicates that sudo privileges should be used to execute commands on the remote hosts instead of running one of the built-in modules such as yum or service. The "command_sudo_flags" option specifies additional flags to pass to sudo when executing commands on the remote hosts. The "command_pty" option indicates whether or not a pseudo terminal should be allocated when executing commands on the remote hosts. The "command_env" option specifies environment variables to set for the command being executed on the remote hosts. The "command_creates" option specifies files or directories that will be created as part of executing the command on the remote hosts. The "command_removes" option specifies files or directories that will be removed as part of executing the command on the remote hosts。 The "command_modifies" option specifies files or directories that will be modified as part of executing the command on the remote hosts。 The "command_owner" option specifies who should own new files or directories created as part of executing the command on the remote hosts. The "command_group" option specifies which group should own new files or directories created as part of executing the command on the remote hosts. The "command_mode" option specifies the permissions that should be used when creating new files or directories created as part of executing the command on the remote hosts. The "command_directory" option specifies whether or not a directory should be created as part of executing the command on the remote hosts. The "command_argspec" option specifies how command line arguments should be parsed when executing commands on