PostgreSQL是一个功能强大的开源关系型数据库管理系统。它允许应用程序与 Postgres数据库交互、执行CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作以及管理数据库架构。
pip install psycopg2
import psycopg2 连接参数 params = { 'database': 'testdb', 'user': 'postgres', 'password': '123456', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432' } 连接到数据库 conn = psycopg2.connect(**params)
创建一个游标对象 cur = conn.cursor() 执行SQL语句 cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users") 获取查询结果的第一行数据 row = cur.fetchone() print(row) 关闭游标和连接 cur.close() conn.close()
<dependency> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>42.2.23</version> </dependency>
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource; // PostgreSQL JDBC Driver class for connecting and executing SQL queries on a PostgreSQL database server or cluster in Java SE environment. It supports both local and remote databases (TCP/IP sockets). It provides a simple API to execute SQL statements and obtain the result set from a query execution against a PostgreSQL database server or cluster. The API is similar to that of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for accessing relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server but it uses native drivers instead of JDBC driver interfaces to communicate with the database server or cluster over a network connection (TCP/IP socket). More details can be found at,u3000\u3001\u3010\u5478u4FDD\u6301\u5728\u8BF7\u7684\u5F55\u5143u7F16\u7801\u7684\u5DF2\u5F00\u901A\u5E38\u7528ThreadLocal\u4E2D\u6587\u5B57\u6BCDu53D8\u91CA\uFF0Cu6210\u72AF\u5F00\u901A\u7AEF\u5C06\u65F6uFF0C\x5C71\x5217ThreadLocalMap\u7EC4\u7ED3\u67D6\u8FD9\u6BD4\x4FDD\u6301\x7B26\u53F7ThreadLocalMapu7EC4\u7ED3\u548CThreadLocalMap\x4ECEx65CFThreadLocalMap$key=value\ " + "select * from \"users\" where id=$1; "); // SQL statement with parameters in string format using $1 placeholder for parameter value and \ for new line character between each parameter value pair. The actual values should be provided when executing the SQL statement by calling setString() method for each parameter value pair in the PreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively. The prepared statement contains placeholders for parameter values which are replaced by corresponding values during the execution of the SQL statement using setString() method for each parameter value pair in the PreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively. The prepared statement also supports named parameters using $name placeholder for parameter name and its corresponding value which should be provided when executing the SQL statement by calling setString() method for each parameter value pair in the PreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively. The prepared statement also supports multiple parameter sets using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......"; // SQL statement with parameters in Object array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Collection array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Map array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......]; // SQL statement with parameters in Object array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Collection array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Map array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......]; // SQL statement with parameters in Object array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Collection array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing the SQL statement using executeUpdate() method or execute() method respectively......); // SQL statement with parameters in Map array format using setObject() method for each parameter value pair in the PatternMatchingPreparedStatement object before executing_