import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET xml_data = ''' <books> <book> <title>Python入门</title> <author>张三</author> </book> <book> <title>Java编程思想</title> <author>李四</author> </book> </books> ''' root = ET.fromstring(xml_data) for book in root.findall('book'): title = book.find('title').text author = book.find('author').text print(f'书名:{title},作者:{author}')
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET books = [ {'title': 'Python入门', 'author': '张三'}, {'title': 'Java编程思想', 'author': '李四'} ] root = ET.Element('books') for book in books: book_element = ET.SubElement(root, 'book') title_element = ET.SubElement(book_element, 'title') title_element.text = book['title'] author_element = ET.SubElement(book_element, 'author') author_element.text = book['author'] xml_data = ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8') print(xml_data)
import pickle import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom as minidom_serializer from io import StringIO, BytesIO from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from datetime import datetime as dttm, timedelta as _tdtm, timezone as _tzutc, localtime as _dtlocaltime, time as _dttime, date as _dtdate, year as _yyr, month as _myr, day as _dyr, hour as _hrs, minute as _mins, second as _secs, microsecond as _micros, timestamp as _tstmp, timedelta as _tdtmp, locale as _loccl, set as _settl, frozenset as _frozensettl, re as _regr, map as _maptl, zip as _ziptl, filter as _filtertl, itertools as _itertoolstl, sorted as _sortedtl, enumerate as _enumeratetl, round as _roundtl, abs as _abstl, max as _maxtl, min as _mintl, sum as _sumtl, len as _lentl, any as _anytl, all as _alltl, bool as _booltl, type as _typetl, NoneType as _nonetype, str as _strct, bytes as _bytsct, int as _intct, float as _floatct, complex as _complexct, not as _notct, binascii as _binasciict, id as _idct, getpass as _getpassct, decimal as _decimalct, json as _jsonct, base64 as _base64ct, hashlib as _hashlibct, hmac.new as _hmacnewct, hmac.compare_digest as _hmaccmpdigct, hmac.HMAC as _hmachct, hmac.pbkdf2_hmac as _hpbkdf2hct, hmac.Util as _hmacutilct, socket as _socketct, select as _selectct, threading as _threadingct;_tzutc() + timedelta(hours=8) # GMT+8时区时间戳(默认值) for x in range(0x7F): print(hex(x)) # 将整数转换为十六进制字符串 print(b64encode(b'hello world')) # 将字符串转换为base64编码 print(b64decode('aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ==')) # 将base64编码解码为字符串 print(repr(True)) # 将布尔值转换为字符串 print(repr('hello world')) # 将字符串转换为字符串表示 print(datetime.now()) # 获取当前时间 print(datetime.now().astimezone(_tzutc())) # 将当前时间转换为GMT+8时区时间 print(dttm.now()) # 获取当前日期和时间 print(dttm.now().replace(hour=0)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为凌晨0点 print(dttm.now().replace(month=1).replace(day=1)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为1月1日 print(dttm.now().replace(year=2022)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为2022年1月1日 print(dttm.now().replace(year=2022).replace(month=1).replace(day=1)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为2022年1月1日 print(dttm.now().replace(year=2022).replace(month=1).replace(day=1).replace(hour=0)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为2022年1月1日凌晨0点 print(dttm.now().replace(year=2022).replace(month=1).replace(day=1).replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为2022年1月1日凌晨0点0分 print(dttm.now().replace(year=2022).replace(month=1).replace(day=1).replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0)) # 将当前日期和时间设置为2022年1月1日凌晨0点0分0秒 print([_yyr(), _myr(), _dyr(), ...]) # 生成年份列表 print([_yyr(), ...], start=(_yyr()-5), end=(_yyr()+5)) # 生成指定范围内的年份列表 print([_yyr(), ...], step=1) # 从某个年份开始按步长生成年份列表 print([x * (i % 3) for x in range(10) for i in range((j * k) % (l * m))]) # 按特定规则计算列表元素 print([x * (i % 3) for x in range(10)] + [x * (i % 3 + 1) for x in range(10)]) # 按特定规则合并两个列表 print(['a' + str((i * j) % l) for i in range(l)] + ['b' + str((i * j) % l) for i in range((l * m) % n)]) # 按特定规则生成新列表 print(['a' + str((i * j) % l) for i in range((l * m) % n)] + ['b' + str((i * j) % l) for i in range((l * m) % n)]) # 按特定规则合并两个新列表 with open('test.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('hello world') with open('test.txt', 'r') as f: content = f.read() with open('test.txt'评测编程专家