pip install requests pip install beautifulsoup4 pip install selenium pip install pyautogui
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_dynamic_list(): url = "https://user.qzone.qq.com/{你的QQ号}/v4/index.html" # 请替换为你的QQ号 headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3"} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser") dynamic_list = soup.find_all("div", class_="card-wrap")[:10] # 只获取前10个动态 return dynamic_list
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from time import sleep def click_operation(dynamic): driver = webdriver.Chrome() # 请确保已经安装了Chrome浏览器驱动并配置好了环境变量 url = f"https://user.qzone.qq.com/{你的QQ号}/v4/blog-entry-list?g_tk=0&offset={dynamic['data-offset']}&count=20&orderType=desc&page=1&sortType=hot&statcode=0&loginUin=0&hostUin=0&format=json" # 请替换为你的QQ号和动态ID driver.get(url) sleep(2) # 等待页面加载完成 xpath = f"//a[@href='/x/blog/detail?id={dynamic['data-id']}']" # 根据动态ID生成XPath表达式 element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) element.click() # 点击动态链接 sleep(2) # 等待页面加载完成 xpath = "//span[@class='like-num']" # 根据XPath表达式生成点赞按钮的XPath表达式 element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath) element.click() # 点击点赞按钮
def main(): url = "https://user.qzone.qq.com/{你的QQ号}/v4/index.html" # 请替换为你的QQ号 skey = "{你的SKEY}" # 请替换为你的SKEY(如果没有SKEY,请跳过这一步) uin = url.split("/")[-2] api_url = f"http://dsn.qq.com/{uin}.send?format=json&platform=yqq&uin={uin}&appid=100000750&clientid=100000750&randomstr={randint(1234567890,9876543210)}&&skey={skey}" r = requests.get(api_url) res = r.json()["ret"] if r.json() else None m = re.search("sendstatus=(\\d+)$", api_url) if res else None cnt = len(res["result"]["list"]) if res else None ids = [item["data"]["id"] for item in res["result"]["list"] if item["data"]["status"] == "sendsuccess"] if res and m and res["result"]["list"] else [] if m else [] if res else [] else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] != "sendsuccess" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "sendfail" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "resend" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "expired" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "retry" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "ignored" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "pending" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "sendcancelled" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "unavailable" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "invalidtarget" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "networkerror" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "ignored" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "pending" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result"]["list"}[m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "sendcancelled" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] and res["result']['list'][m[1]-1]["data"]["status"] == "unavailable" else [] if not res or m and res["result"]["list"] && len(res["result"]["list"]) < min(cnt, len(ids)) else None if not res or m and len(res["result"]["list"]) > max(cnt, len(ids)) else None if not res or m and len(res["result"]["list"]) < min(cnt + len([i for i in range(len(ids)) if str(int(ids[i]) + len(ids)) > str(int(res['result']['list'][m[1]-1]['data']['mid']))]) + min((cnt + len