Psalm是一个用于PHP的开源静态分析工具,可以帮助识别代码中明显的和难以识别的bug。 Psalm采用先进的静态分析算法,可以理解复杂的PHP代码结构,包括类、接口、函数调用以及更高级的概念如 Trait 和 Anonymous Functions。 它还支持PHPDoc注释,通过分析这些注释,Psalm能够推断出代码中的类型信息,从而提供精确的错误报告。 安装和使用极其简便,只需简单的命令行操作即可开始对你的项目进行检查。
Psalm 是一款用于 PHP 语言的现代、快速、开源的 SQL 预编译器,它通过将 SQL 查询转换为原生 PHP 代码,从而提高了性能和安全性,Psalm 还提供了一个名为 Inflector 的库,用于自动生成数据库表名和列名的驼峰式命名,Psalm 还支持类型提示和注释,以帮助开发者编写更易于理解和维护的代码。
1、SQL 预编译
Psalm 通过将 SQL 查询转换为原生 PHP 代码,从而实现了 SQL 预编译,这样可以提高查询性能,因为预编译的 SQL 代码只需要解析一次,而不是每次执行时都解析,预编译还有助于防止 SQL 注入攻击,因为预编译后的代码无法被恶意修改。
Psalm 支持类型推断,可以根据查询中的变量自动推断出它们的数据类型,这样可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性,因为开发者不需要为每个变量显式指定数据类型,类型推断还有助于 IDE 提供更好的代码补全和错误检查功能。
Psalm 可以为开发者提供优化建议,帮助他们改进查询性能,这些建议包括:使用索引、减少子查询、避免全表扫描等,通过遵循这些建议,开发者可以提高查询效率,减少服务器资源消耗。
1、安装并配置 Composer
需要在项目中安装 Composer,然后通过以下命令安装 Psalm:
composer require prooph/phpcs-toolkit predis/predis --dev
- name: "ProophPHPCSToolkit\Config\Config" type: "config" arguments: [__DIR__/prospector.yaml] - name: "Predis\Client" type: "client", arguments: ["tcp://"], useClassAliases: true - name: "ProophCommon\Messaging\MessageFactory" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\Messaging\MessageFactory"], useClassAliases: true - name: "ProophEventStore\Projection\ProjectionManager" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\Projection\ProjectionManager"], useClassAliases: true - name: "Prooph\EventStore\Projection\ProjectionTypeRegistry" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\Projection\ProjectionTypeRegistry"], useClassAliases: true - name: "ProophEventStore\Projection\StreamStrategy" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\Projection\StreamStrategy"], useClassAliases: true - name: "Prooph\EventStore\Projection\StreamWatcher" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\Projection\StreamWatcher"], useClassAliases: true - name: "ProophEventStore\SchemaCommandHandler" type: "class", arguments: ["Prooph\EventStore\SchemaCommandHandler"], useClassAliases: true - name: "Prooph\\ServiceBus\MessageBus" type: "message_bus", arguments: ["tcp://"], useClassAliases: true - name: "Prooph\\ServiceBus\\MessageHandlerResolver" type: "message_handler_resolver", arguments: ["Prooph\\ServiceBus\\Plugin\\DefaultMessageHandlerResolver"], useClassAliases: true
3、在项目中引入并使用 Psalm static analysis工具
)中引入并使用 Psalm static analysis工具:
<?php // src/index.php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; require 'prospector.yaml'; use ProophEventStore\Projection\Projector; // <-- Import the projector class from the projection module in the EventStore package. This is optional and only needed if you want to run a projection that uses the Projector component. The Projector component is not included in the default installation of the EventStore package. If you don't need it, you can remove this import line. The other imports are required by the configuration file and will be automatically resolved by the configurator. The configurator also registers your custom classes as available for use by the toolbox. You can then start the toolbox with the following command: $ composer run phpcs-toolkit analyze --ansi --config=prospector.yaml --no-interaction --paths="src/**/*.php" --extensions="php" # <-- Run the toolbox with the specified configuration and paths. Replace src with the path to your project root directory and adjust the paths parameter as needed to include all relevant files. The extensions parameter specifies which file extensions should be analyzed by the toolbox. In this example, we analyze all PHP files in the src directory and its subdirectories. The --no-interaction option prevents the toolbox from asking for user input when running in interactive mode. The --paths and --extensions parameters can be adjusted as needed to customize the analysis scope for your project. After running the toolckit, it will generate an HTML report in the vendor/bin folder of your project. You can open this report in a web browser to view the results of the analysis.