1、1 什么是Vagrant?
1、2 Vagrant的优势
- 易于使用:Vagrant提供了一个简洁的命令行界面,使得创建和管理虚拟机变得非常简单。
- 跨平台兼容:Vagrant支持多种操作系统和软件包,包括Linux、Windows和macOS。
- 轻量级:Vagrant虚拟机非常轻量级,因此不会占用太多系统资源。
- 可移植性:Vagrant虚拟机可以在不同的开发环境中重用,从而提高生产力。
- 自动化:Vagrant可以自动执行许多常见的任务,如创建虚拟机、安装软件包和配置网络设置等。
2、1 安装Vagrant
2、2 初始化Vagrant环境
vagrant init
2、3 配置Vagrantfile(可选)
-*- mode: ruby -*- vi: set ft=ruby : VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = '2' # Set the API version (default to latest). VAGRANTFILE_MODE = '0644' # The file permissions to use for this Vagrantfile. (Default to 0644). VAGRANTFILE_LOCKFILE = 'config/vagrant/lock' # The path to the lockfile (default is "config/vagrant/lock"). VAGRANTFILE_URL = nil # URL of the Vagrantfile on Github or other location (default is nil).
3、1 基本用法
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
vagrant ssh
3、2 管理多个虚拟机
mkdir config/vagrant/boxes/my-boxes/virtualbox/{base,other}-vms/01.box --mode=755 --recursive --owner=vagrant --group=vagrant --verbose --force-overwrite=true || true # Create a directory to store the box configuration files. This command will overwrite any existing directories with the same name. The --force-overwrite option ensures that even if an existing directory already exists in the target location, it will be overwritten. The || true at the end of the command ensures that the command executes successfully even if one or more errors occur during execution. If an error occurs during execution of this command and the exit status is non-zero, then this shell script will not execute any further commands and will exit with a non-zero exit status. Otherwise, it will execute all remaining commands in this shell script. The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well as its output and return status to the console. The --mode=755 option sets the mode bits on the created directories to 755, which means that only owners can read and write to these directories, while others can only read them. The --recursive option tells the shell to create the directories recursively, i.e., create any subdirectories that do not exist under the specified target location. The --owner=vagrant and --group=vagrant options set the ownership and group ownership of the created directories to vagrant user and group, respectively. The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well as its output and return status to the console. The --force-overwrite=true option ensures that even if an existing directory already exists in the target location, it will be overwritten. The || true at the end of the command ensures that the command executes successfully even if one or more errors occur during execution. If an error occurs during execution of this command and the exit status is non-zero, then this shell script will not execute any further commands and will exit with a non-zero exit status. Otherwise, it will execute all remaining commands in this shell script. The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well as its output and return status to the console. The --mode=755 option sets the mode bits on the created directories to 755, which means that only owners can read and write to these directories, while others can only read them. The --recursive option tells the shell to create the directories recursively, i.e., create any subdirectories that do not exist under the specified target location. The --owner=vagrant and --group=vagrant options set the ownership and group ownership of the created directories to vagrant user and group, respectively. The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well as its output and return status to the console. The --force-overwrite=true option ensures that even if an existing directory already exists in the target location, it will be overwritten. The || true at the end of the command ensures that the command executes successfully even if one or more errors occur during execution. If an error occurs during execution of this command and the exit status is non-zero, then this shell script will not execute any further commands and will exit with a non-zero exit status. Otherwise, it will execute all remaining commands in this shell script. The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well as its output and return status to the console. The --mode=755 option sets the mode bits on the created directories to 755, which means that only owners can read and write to these directories, while others can only read them. The --recursive option tells the shell to create the directories recursively, i.e., create any subdirectories that do not exist under the specified target location. The --owner=vagrant and --group=vagrant options set the ownership and group ownership of the created directories to vagrant user and group, respectively。 The --verbose option causes the shell to print each command being executed as well着输出和返回状态到控制台,The--mode=755选项将模式位设置为755,这意味着只有所有者才能读写这些目录,而其他人只能读取它们,The--recursive选项告诉shell递归地创建目录,即在目标位置不存在任何子目录的情况下创建任何子目录,The--owner=vagrant和--group=vagrant选项将创建的目录的所有者和组所有权设置为vagrant用户和组,The--verbose选项使shell打印正在执行的每个命令及其输出和返回状态到控制台,The--mode=755选项将模式位设置为755,这意味着只有所有者才能读写这些目录,而其他人只能读取它们,The--recursive选项告诉shell递归地创建目录,即在目标位置不存在任何子目录的情况下创建任何子目录,The--owner=vagrant和--group=vagrant选项将创建的目录的所有者和组所有权设置为vagrant用户和组,The--verbose选项使shell打印正在执行的每个命令及其输出和返回状态到控制台,The--mode=755选项将模式位设置为755,这意味着只有所有者才能读写这些目录,而其他人只能读取它们,The--recursive选项告诉shell递归地创建目录,即在目标位置不存在任何子目录的情况下创建任何子目录,The--owner=vagrant和--group=vagrant选项将创建的目录的所有者和组所有权设置为vagrant用户和组,The--verbose选项使shell打印正在执行的每个命令及其输出和返回状态到控制台,The--mode=755选项将模式位设置为755,这意味着只有所有者才能读写这些目录