Lando是一个免费的、开源的、跨平台的、基于Docker的本地开发环境和DevOps工具容器技术。Lando旨在与大多数语言、框架和服务一起使用,为所有开发人员提供了一个简单的方法,可以为他们的应用程序提供一致的开发和部署体验。 ,,如果您想搭建Lando本地开发环境,可以参考以下步骤:,1. 安装Docker,2. 安装Lando CLI,3. 创建一个新的Lando项目,4. 配置您的项目设置
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv lando_env
- Windows系统:
- Linux或macOS系统:
source lando_env/bin/activate
pip install lando
lando --version
的测试用例文件: (input) print("Hello, World!") # This is the input for this test case. Replace it with your own code. (output) "Hello, World!" # This is the expected output for this test case. Make sure your code produces the same output. Use double quotes for strings. Use single quotes for numbers or boolean values. Do not use both single and double quotes for the same value. Use curly braces{}
instead of parentheses()
for dictionaries. Use commas,
to separate items in lists and tuples. Use colons:
to separate labels from their corresponding statements in loops and conditionals. Use semicolons;
to end a line of code. Use tabs\t
to indent code instead of spaces. Use spacesto indent code instead of tabs. Use backticks `
to represent literal text rather than formatting characters such as
{{}}. Use exclamation marks
!to represent unary minus
. Use question marks
?to represent a single quote
'. Use asterisks
to represent a multiplication operator
. Use plus signs
+to represent a concatenation operator
+. Use hash signs
#to represent a comment. Use at signs
@to represent a variable assignment or function call. Use ampersands
&to represent bitwise AND operation. Use carets
^to represent bitwise XOR operation. Use pipe symbols
|to represent bitwise OR operation. Use less than signs
<to represent a comparison operator
<. Use greater than signs
>to represent a comparison operator
>. Use equals signs
=to represent an equality operator
==. Use less than or equal signs
<=to represent a less than or equal comparison operator
<=. Use greater than or equal signs
>=to represent a greater than or equal comparison operator
>=. Use logical NOT operators
not, which are represented by the prefix symbol
!. Do not use the underscore character
_, which is reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the dollar sign
$`, which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the at sign (@), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the caret sign (^), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the pipe symbol (|), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the ampersand (&), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the plus sign (+), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the asterisk (*), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the question mark (?), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the exclamation mark (!), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the hash sign (#), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the percent sign (%), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the colon (:), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the semicolon (;), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the equal sign (=), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the comma (,), which is also reserved for future use in Python 3.x. Do not use the left square bracket ([]), which is also reserved for future用