备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)是一种行为型设计模式,它主要用于在软件系统中保存对象的内部状态,以便在后续操作中可以恢复到之前的状态。这种模式的主要目的是支持撤销操作,例如文本编辑器中的撤销和重做功能。备忘录模式可以帮助我们更好地管理对象的状态,提高系统的可维护性和可扩展性 。,,备忘录模式定义:在不破坏封装性的前提下,捕获一个对象的内部状态,并在该对象之外保存这个状态,以便以后当需要时能将该对象恢复到原先保存的状态。 该模式又叫快照模式 。
public abstract class Memento { private Object internalState; public Memento(Object internalState) { this.internalState = internalState; } public Object getInternalState() { return internalState; } public abstract boolean isSameStateAs(Memento other); }
public class OriginatorStateMemento extends Memento { public OriginatorStateMemento(Object internalState) { super(internalState); } @Override public boolean isSameStateAs(Memento other) { if (!(other instanceof OriginatorStateMemento)) { return false; } return super.isSameStateAs(other); } }
public class Originator { private Object internalState; private List<Memento> mementoList; public Originator() { mementoList = new ArrayList<>(); } public void setInternalState(Object state) { originatorStateMemento = new OriginatorStateMemento(state); // create a new Memento to save the state for future use later on in the command chain. This will be our current "redo" point. We keep track of these in the list so that we can revert back to them if needed later on. If we are at the end of the list we need to remove the oldest one and add a new one to make room for the new one we just saved. This is what the addCommand method does. The same goes for the "undo" operation. When we call the "undo" method we simply pop the last element off of the list and run it again. If we are out of elements then there was nothing to do so we simply return without doing anything. The "redo" operation is similar except instead of calling the command's execute() method we call its reverse() method which will perform the same action in reverse order. So when we pop an element off of the list and run it again we are actually running it backwards. This allows us to "redo" actions as well as "undo" them. This is all done by maintaining a reference to each of the Mementos that were previously saved so that they can be used again later on in the command chain.