1. Behat简介
Behat是一个用于BDD(行为驱动开发)的开源框架,它允许开发者通过编写自然语言描述来定义软件的行为,Behat支持多种编程语言,包括Java、Python、Ruby等,并且可以与各种持续集成工具(如Jenkins、Travis CI等)无缝集成,本文档将介绍如何使用Behat进行BDD实践,并分享一些优化技巧。
2. Behat基本概念
2.1 Feature
Feature: 登录系统 Scenario: 正确的用户名和密码 Given I am on the login page When I enter valid username and password Then I should see the dashboard page
2.2 Step Definitions
Step Definitions是Behat中的关键字,用于定义执行特定操作的函数,这些函数通常被称为“步骤”,因为它们按照特定的顺序执行一系列操作。
from behat.steps import StepDefinitions from behat.context import Context class LoginSteps(StepDefinitions): def i_am_on_the_login_page(self, context): # 实现登录页面的定位逻辑 pass def i_enter_valid_username_and_password(self, context): # 实现输入有效用户名和密码的逻辑 pass
2.3 Hooks
Feature: 登录系统 Scenario: 正确的用户名和密码 Given I am on the login page When I enter valid username and password Then I should see the dashboard page (i go to the email notification hook)
3. Behat实践示例
3.1 创建Gherkin文件(features/login.feature)
Feature: 登录系统 Scenario: 能够成功登录到系统并查看首页内容 Context: 一个已登录的用户会话 Scenario: 能够成功登录到系统并查看首页内容(当用户已经登录时) Given I am on the home page of the application as a logged in user named "John Doe" with email "" and password "password123".(i have an account with these credentials) When I enter "password123" into the password field and click the "Login" button(i enter my credentials into the form and submit it) Then I should see a message saying "Welcome John Doe!" on the page(i should see a welcome message)