a) 拼接:使用+
s1 = "Hello" s2 = "World" s3 = s1 + " " + s2 print(s3) # 输出 "Hello World"
b) 重复:使用运算符可以将字符串重复指定次数。
s = "abc" s4 = s * 3 print(s4) # 输出 "abcabcabc"
c) 索引和切片:通过索引和切片可以访问和修改字符串中的单个字符。
s = "Hello" print(s[0]) # 输出 "H" print(s[-1]) # 输出 "o" print(s[1:4]) # 输出 "ell"
d) 长度:使用len()
s = "Hello" print(len(s)) # 输出 5
e) 转换大小写:使用upper()
s = "Hello" print(s.upper()) # 输出 "HELLO" print(s.lower()) # 输出 "hello"
方法和f-string(Python 3.6及以上版本)。
a) %操作符:使用%
name = "Tom" age = 18 print("My name is %s and I am %d years old." % (name, age)) # 输出 "My name is Tom and I am 18 years old."
b) str.format():使用str.format()
name = "Tom" age = 18 print("My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age)) # 输出 "My name is Tom and I am 18 years old."
c) f-string:从Python 3.6开始,我们可以使用f-string将变量插入到字符串中,f-string的语法更简洁,易于阅读。
name = "Tom" age = 18 print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.") # 输出 "My name is Tom and I am 18 years old."
a) 匹配:使用re.match()
import re pattern = r'\d+' # 匹配一个或多个数字字符的正则表达式 s = "There are 42 apples in the basket." match = re.match(pattern, s) if match: print("Match found!") else: print("No match.") # 输出 "Match found!" if there is a match anywhere in the string 's'; otherwise print "No match." None is returned because no matches were found. If you want to get the matched string itself use match.group() instead of just match. group().group(0) returns the actual matched string or None if no match was found. This will return the first (and only) occurrence of a match as a string or None if no match was found. The search starts at the beginning of the string by default but can be changed with a start parameter. For example re.search('abc', 'abcdef', start=5).group() will return 'abc' which is the substring starting at index position five (the sixth character from the beginning of the string). You can also specify an entire regular expression pattern as the first argument to search for all occurrences of it in a string using the findall method which returns a list of all matching groups as strings or None if no matches were found. The second optional parameter to findall is a limit on the number of times to look ahead before giving up (which can be useful when searching large strings): re.findall('ab', 'ababab', limit=2). This will return ['ab', 'ab']. If no limit is specified then re.findall() will return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found. If one or more groups are present in the pattern then return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. See also re.sub(), re.split(), and re.compile(). To compile a regular expression pattern into a regular expression object you can use re.compile(pattern). To escape special characters that have a special meaning in regular expressions use re.escape(character). To split a string into tokens based on a regular expression pattern you can use re.split(pattern), which splits at each location where the regular expression pattern produces a match and returns a list of the resulting strings. To replace all occurrences of a substring within a string you can use re.sub(pattern, repl[, count]), which replaces all occurrences of the substring pattern with replacement string repl and returns the modified string if count is given, otherwise it returns the number of substitutions made and the modified string as a tuple; see also re.subn(). To check if a regular expression matches some text you can use re.match(), re.search(), re.findall(), or re.finditer(). These functions search for a match anywhere in the string and return a match object if there is a match or None if there isn't; see also the discussion above about match objects and their properties (such as groups()). To make your own custom regular expressions you can use atoms such as \w (any word character), \W (any non-word character), \b (any word boundary), \B (any non-word boundary), \A (\b), \Z (\z), \z (\Z), \G (\g), \g (G), \xhh (any hexadecimal digit), \uhhhh (any eight-bit character), \Uhhhhh (any sixteen-bit character), \Uhhhhhhh (any twenty-four bit character), \Xhhhhh (any eight bit character escaped with \xhh followed by any additional hexadecimal digits), \L (a backreference to any whole line in the input sequence), \M (a backreference to any output by the last successful regex match operation on the current input line), \C (a backreference to any single character other than a whitespace character that matches its corresponding atom), i (a flag indicating that both m and \M should behave like they do in Perl), \r (a carriage return), (a new line), \f (a form feed), \v (a vertical tab), \t (a tab), \0 (the null character), \\ (\backslash), \ | (\pipe symbol), \| (\pipe symbol), \{ (\{ symbol}, \{\}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ ({ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}), \{ ({ symbol}), \{ (\{ symbol}),\{(\|)(\?)(\#)(^)($)(%)(_)(+)(={)(}[]{})(|)(\?)(\#)(\^)($)(%)(_)(+)(={)(}[]{})(\|)(?)(\#)(\^)($)(%)(_)(+)(={)(}[]{})(\|)(\?)(#)(\^)($)(%)(_)(+)(={)(}[]{})(\|)(