Behat行为驱动开发是一种基于Gherkin语言的行为驱动开发(BDD)框架,它可以帮助你将需求用自然语言描述清楚,以此来推进业务开发过程,确保软件开发的质量。Cucumber是一个工具的名字,它帮您将需求用自然语言描述清楚,这样以便于沟通和协调。《Cucumber:行为驱动开发指南》是一本关于如何使用Cucumber工具来建立一个自动化测试系统的书籍 。
1. 简介
2. Behat基本概念
2.1 环境搭建
pip install robotframework pip install pybehat pip install selenium2-webdriver
2.2 步骤定义文件
from behave import given, when, then from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys @given('I am on the login page') def step_impl(context): context.driver = webdriver.Firefox() context.driver.get("") @when('I enter "{username}" and "{password}" in the fields') def step_impl(context, username, password): username_field = context.driver.find_element_by_name("username") password_field = context.driver.find_element_by_name("password") username_field.send_keys(username) password_field.send_keys(password) password_field.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) @then('I should see "Welcome, {username}!" on the page') def step_impl(context, username): assert "Welcome, {}!".format(username) in context.driver.page_source
2.3 特性标记和关键字
from behave import given, when, then, expect, scenario, example from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS import time @given('I am on the homepage') def step_impl(context): context.driver = webdriver.Firefox() context.driver.get("") @when('I wait for the element with id "{id}" to appear') def step_impl(context, id): max_wait = 10000 i = 0 while True: try: element = context.driver.find_element_by_id(id) break except (NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException): if i > max_wait: raise Exception("Timeout waiting for element") i += 1000 * i # exponential backoff for retries with increasing delay between attempts (to avoid rate limiting)" + str(i)) + "ms" + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str(timedelta(seconds=i))) + " " + str